Opportunity Available:
Commitment Level:
One-off, Project Basis, Regular, Adhoc
- To be advised
- Note: Do consider helping at heartland and "non-town" locations, as these areas do also require much help. Thanks.
Vol Requirements:
- Kettling is from Mon – Sat, 1pm – 9pm, late Nov - 24 Dec.
- Assignment is "bite-size" and easy to start; each kettling shift is 2 hours (starting from every "odd" hour i.e. 1pm, 3pm etc)
- 2 volunteers to a kettling shift *
- You may choose to sign up in pairs with your friends or family or we will assign another volunteer to partner you for the shift
- Kettlers need to be 16 years old as at 31 Dec this year (unless accompanied by a parent/guardian, 21 years old and above)
- All volunteers will be required to be registered.
- For group/corporate volunteers, you are also welcome to adopt the pot e.g. for a day or period of time.
- Certification of voluntary involvement is available for registered volunteers upon request.
- We appreciate your help in assisting us to manage the scheduling of volunteers for shifts. Kindly consider your availability carefully to avoid inconveniences caused with last minute changes.
- Please sign up for alternate shifts with rest breaks in between (rather than consecutive shifts e.g. kettling for a whole stretch of 2 or more shifts), as this would be more manageable and less tiring.
- For first-time bell-ringers, please sign up for one shift to try out if you like the assignment. We welcome you to return to sign up for more shifts after that.
- 1000
- Individual, Group & Family Volunteers Welcome
Please sign up at least 3 working days before to allow us to process and match you to a shift.
- Online Registration: Click here.
Contact Person (for Clarifications):
Tel: 6555-0232
volunteer (AT) SMM.salvationarmy.org (replace (AT) with @ to email me)
The Christmas Kettle Appeal is a unique fundraising project that enables The Salvation Army to continue its work with the needy and underprivileged. Every year, staff and volunteers take to the streets ringing bells and encourage passers-by to drop a donation into the kettles. As such, we would like to extend an invitation to you to join us in this tradition and make a difference.
For a video on the history of The Christmas Kettle Pot (created by The Salvation Army in British Columbia), you may wish to visit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0y3_4mlnAc.
Fun Facts about the Christmas Kettle Appeal:
Join Us as a Bellringer Video:
Read our volunteers' experience kettling here at http://sa-v.blogspot.com/search/label/kettling.
Read about how you can support the Christmas Kettle Appeal by scanning the below QR Code or by visiting tiny.cc/bellringers. You can also return to this page by visiting: tiny.cc/redkettle-signmeup.